DVD Cold Steel Stun Stagger and Stop (VDSC) |
Punkty: 7
Jeśli zostaniesz niespodziewanie zaatakowany, zwykła mocna laska lub kij może być bardzo przydatna. Z DVD Stun Stagger and Stop zdobędziesz odpowiednie umiejętności oraz pewność siebie niezbędne do obrony przed złodziejami, gangsterami i innymi agresorami chcącymi zaatakować Ciebie lub Twoją rodzinę. Wyprzedane
DVD Cold Steel Challenge 2004-2007 (VDCSC) |
Punkty: 3
Cold Steel Challenge to celebrowanie wojowniczego stylu życia. To miejsce gdzie nasi przyjaciele o klienci razem walczą w kontrolowanym, pełnym szacunku i przyjaźni środowisku Wyprzedane
To-Shin Do Bojutsu Long Staff Shoden Kata 4-DVD Set (SKH0006) |
Japan's Sengoku Age of Warring States 6' long-staff combat methods drawn from historical Kuki mountain warrior family - Kuji no Bo "9 Mystical Letters" fighting katas teach how to use an enemy's thinking to confuse him - give him what he expects as a way to set him up for defeat by suddenly going where he does not expect - advanced level fighting for an enemy who is too strong or skilled, and you sense that your kihon basic bo attacks and defenses are not enough for such a formidable fighter. Wyprzedane
Ninja 21st Century Taijutsu Unarmed Combat Black Belt Home-Study 12-DVD Course (SKH0008) |
16-hour 12-DVD video set presents all exercises, insights, and instructions for passing your test for Shodan 1st Degree Black Belt in Stephen K. Hayes' 21st Century ninja martial art of To-Shin Do. Earn your Black Belt in 5-element strategy-based principle-centered combat training for stopping determined grapplers, punchers, kickers, and chokers – gritty and honest for real-world fighting victory. Train on your own, or test for colored belts by video and then take your Black Belt test at one of An-shu Stephen K. Hayes' testing seminars. Wyprzedane
Mountains of Strength 3-DVD Set (SKH0009) |
MOUNTAINS OF STRENGTH four-hour 3-DVD video set presents exercises, insights, and instructions in the earth stability element ground-holding method of Stephen K. Hayes' 21st Century martial art of To-Shin Do. These 3 DVDs cover techniques and tactics and testing for developing the kind of no-nonsense strengths that will allow you to overcome many of the most common assaults requiring self-protection, knowledge and skills taught in White Belt and Yellow Belt training leading to Blue Belt in To-Shin Do. Wyprzedane
Waves of Power 3-DVD Set (SKH0010) |
WAVES OF POWER four-hour 3-DVD video set presents exercises, insights, and instructions in the water responsiveness tactical element of Stephen K. Hayes' 21st Century martial art of To-Shin Do. These 3 DVDs cover techniques and tactics and testing for developing advanced skill in handling bigger and more determined aggressors in many of the most common assaults requiring self-protection, knowledge and skills taught in Blue Belt training leading to Red Belt in To-Shin Do. Wyprzedane
Lightning Strikes 3-DVD Set (SKH0011) |
LIGHTNING STRIKES four-hour 3-DVD video set presents exercises, insights, and instructions in the fire interception element of Stephen K. Hayes' 21st Century martial art of To-Shin Do. These 3 DVDs cover techniques and tactics and testing for developing advanced skill in handling bigger and more determined aggressors in many of the most common assaults requiring self-protection, knowledge and skills taught in Red Belt training leading to Green Belt in To-Shin Do. Wyprzedane
Eye of the Storm 3-DVD Set (SKH0012) |
EYE OF THE STORM four-hour 3-DVD video set presents exercises, insights, and instructions in the wind evasion element of Stephen K. Hayes' 21st Century martial art of To-Shin Do. These 3 DVDs cover techniques and tactics and testing for developing advanced skill in handling bigger and more determined aggressors in many of the most common assaults requiring self-protection, knowledge and skills taught in Green Belt training leading to Brown Belt in To-Shin Do. Wyprzedane
To-Shin Do Kenjutsu Sword Shoden Kata 4 & 5 (SKH0019) |
To-Shin Do Kenjutsu Battlefield Sword Shoden Kata 4 & 5
- To-Shin Do Kenjutsu Shoden Kata Kiri-Komi
- 1 Classical kata and contemporary unarmed and knife adaptation
- To-Shin Do Kenjutsu Shoden Kata Kata-te Nagi
- 1 Classical kata and contemporary unarmed and knife adaptation
Use this video lesson to continue your study leading to earning your To-Shin Do Kenjutsu Shoden scroll diploma! Wyprzedane
Meditation for Martial Artists DVD (SKH0020) |
An-shu Stephen K. Hayes' Kihon fundamental introduction to mind centering meditation for the martial artist teaches you how to combat the inner enemies of Doubt, Distraction, Diversion, Delusion, and Denial when under attack.
Directed mind centering can take the form of concentration, meditation, and visualization. This 40-minute introduction and 20-minute guided concentration centering meditation practice kata session has been called, "The most understandable and usable introduction to meditation ever taped for martial artists." Get it! It is excellent for its purpose.
60-minute DVD and 2-page study-guide review of 5 Ds and 6 steps for practice. Wyprzedane
Heart of Wisdom Meditation DVD (SKH0021) |
As only he can, An-shu Stephen K. Hayes presents an insightful introduction to the highly cryptic and often misunderstood Hannya Shingyo "heart of transcendental wisdom" concept of emptiness of phenomena, uniquely tailored for the martial artist.
Includes English and Japanese study sheet and special examples from To-Shin Do 6th Degree Black Belt technique and philosophy. Wyprzedane
Ninja Night Warriors 2-DVD Set (SKH0022) |
Digitally remastered from the original VHS tapes - now with new material
Revisit An-shu Stephen K. Hayes' very first training video from 20 years ago! - now on 2 one-hour DVDs with five elements of unarmed combat, sword vs. long staff, handgun disarms, shuriken blade throwing, and hanbo cane in action. The special section on modern-day self defense split-second improvised tools contains some of the most amazing real-world-value techniques ever presented!
Truly a collector's set, filmed in 1984 by Robert Clouse, director of Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon, now with new footage including:
- "Behind the Scenes" interview with Stephen K. Hayes
- Special Training Update - how the techniques evolved to become To-Shin Do
- DVD menu selection for immediate access to training material
Wieczór Sztuk Walki(DVD) (G0006) |
Fantastyczny film nagrywany trzema kamerami i zmontowany komputerowo, z ekscytującymi efektami, trikami i zwolnieniami akcji. Zapis pokazów sztuk walki, jakie odbyły się na hali OSiR "Koło" w Warszawie w grudniu 2005 r. Obejrzymy cięcia mieczem samurajskim (tameshigiri), pokazy rozbijań ciosami karate (tameshiwari), ken-jutsu, battodo, walki karate, samoobronę, kobudo - klasyczne bronie japońskie, aikido, combat kalaki, mecz karate Ukraina- Polska. DVD PAL 48 min. Wyprzedane
Podręcznik Karate DVD (G0010) |
Punkty: 1
Mistrzowie Polski w karate demonstrują nagrany profesjonalnie materiał szkoleniowy ujęty w lekcjach tematycznych od białego do czarnego pasa. Nauka skutecznej samoobrony: kopnięć, uderzeń, dzwigni, uników, prawidłowych postaw i poruszania się. 11 form kata: Kihon 1-3, Heian 1-5, Tekki 1-2, Bassai-dai. Filmowa ilustracja bestselleru książkowego pt. "Podręcznik karate" wyd. II.
DVD PAL 52 min Wyprzedane
Tagi: sztuki walki, katana, iaito, budo, kobudo, sai, tonfa, bo, jo, boken, bokken, kama, shinai, aikido, samuraj, kimono, gi, judo, jujitsu, karate,