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Iga Ninja Koto Ryu Unarmed Koppojutsu Shoden Kata 3, 4, 5 (SKH0014)  
Iga Ninja Koto Ryu Unarmed Koppojutsu Shoden Kata 3, 4, 5 (SKH0014) Promocja
Koto Ryu Koppojutsu Shoden Kata "Shi-to" "Ho-soku" and "Ho-teki"
  • Koto Ryu Koppojutsu Shoden Kata "Shi-to
  • 1 Classical kata and 4 contemporary adaptations
  • An-shu Rumiko teaches "TO kanji of Koto Ryu
  • Koto Ryu Koppojutsu Shoden Kata "Ho-soku
  • 1 Classical kata and 4 contemporary adaptations
  • Koto Ryu Koppojutsu Shoden Kata "Ho-teki
  • 1 Classical kata and 4 contemporary adaptations
Use this video lesson to begin your study leading to earning your To-Shin Do Koppojutsu Shoden scroll diploma!
Dostępny Stara cena: 120,00 PLN Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni przed promocją: 120.00 PLN
Nowa cena: 99,00 PLN

Ninja Shuriken Throwing Blades Kihon Fundamentals (SKH0004)  
Ninja Shuriken Throwing Blades Kihon Fundamentals (SKH0004) Wyprzedaż
TOGAKURE RYU SENBAN SHURIKENJUTSU KIHON is a 50 minute DVD video home-training long-distance learning program full of exercises, insights, and instructions for passing the test for Kihon Fundamentals diploma licensing in the martial art of Japanese ninja shuriken thrown blade technique taught in Stephen K. Hayes' martial art of To-Shin Do. This one-of-a-kind DVD covers techniques and tactics for developing the kind of skill for which the ninja invisible warriors of Japan became legends.
Dostępny 180,00 PLN

Ninja Taijutsu Unarmed Combat Kihon Fundamentals (SKH0001)  
Ninja Taijutsu Unarmed Combat Kihon Fundamentals (SKH0001) Wyprzedaż
TOGAKURE RYU NIN-PO TAIJUTSU KIHON is a 80 minute DVD video home-training long-distance learning program full of exercises, insights, and instructions for passing the test for Kihon Fundamentals diploma licensing in the martial art of ninpo taijutsu unarmed combat technique taught in Stephen K. Hayes' martial art of To-Shin Do. This one-of-a-kind DVD covers techniques and tactics for developing the kind of skill for which the ninja invisible warriors of Japan became legends.
Dostępny 180,00 PLN

Ninja Vol 1: Spirit of the Shadow Warrior (SKH0029)  
Ninja Vol 1: Spirit of the Shadow Warrior (SKH0029) Punkty: 1   Wyprzedaż
Autor: Stephen K. Hayes
ISBN 0-89750-073-3 144 pages Softcover

5 elements of responding to threat, armed and unarmed combat, sensing the imperceptible intentions of others, special section on meditation for the warrior.
Dostępny 75,00 PLN

Ninja Vol 2: Warrior Ways of Enlightenment (SKH0030)  
Ninja Vol 2: Warrior Ways of Enlightenment (SKH0030) Punkty: 1   Wyprzedaż
Autor: Stephen K. Hayes
ISBN 0-89750-077-6 160 pages Softcover

Spiritual purity of the warrior, taihen-jutsu body accommodating danger, armed and unarmed combat, special section on kuji-in energy channeling.
Dostępny 75,00 PLN

Ninja Vol 3: Warrior Path of Togakure (SKH0031)  
Ninja Vol 3: Warrior Path of Togakure (SKH0031) Punkty: 1   Wyprzedaż
Autor: Stephen K. Hayes
ISBN 0-89750-090-3 144 pages Softcover

Warrior's quest for enlightenment, invisibility through changing identity, ken-tai-ichi-jo body and weapon as one, special section on kuji-kiri intention channeling.
Dostępny 75,00 PLN

Ninja Vol 4: Legacy of the Night Warrior (SKH0032)  
Ninja Vol 4: Legacy of the Night Warrior (SKH0032) Punkty: 1   Wyprzedaż
Autor: Stephen K. Hayes
ISBN 0-89750-102-0 192 pages Softcover

History of the ninja, flow and advanced martial arts skill, the 5 elements of invisibility, self-defense techniques of kunoichi female ninja, drills for sensing the intentions of the attacker, interview with Stephen K. Hayes.
Dostępny 75,00 PLN

Ninja Vol 5: Lore of the Shinobi Warrior (SKH0033)  
Ninja Vol 5: Lore of the Shinobi Warrior (SKH0033) Punkty: 1   Wyprzedaż
Autor: Stephen K. Hayes
ISBN 0-89750-123-3 160 pages Softcover

How to practice fundamental defenses and counters as skill-building drills, real-world situational self-defense, false legends of the ninja, bringing the lore to the West, interview with Stephen K. Hayes.
Dostępny 75,00 PLN

Secrets from the Ninja Grandmaster (SKH0027)  
Secrets from the Ninja Grandmaster (SKH0027) Punkty: 1   Wyprzedaż
Autor: Stephen K. Hayes

Originally published in 1987, this valuable classic is back with a new final chapter - "12 Years Later" - about Hayes' and Hatsumi's new training halls. Read about the grandmaster's training with his teacher, historical moments in the once-secret ninja art in ancient Japan, and the true spirit of the warrior that makes Quest Center martial arts so richly unique today. A beautiful hardback book!
Dostępny 119,00 PLN

The Kasumi-An Martial Art of To-Shin Do (SKH0026)  
The Kasumi-An Martial Art of To-Shin Do (SKH0026) Punkty: 1   Wyprzedaż
Autor: Stephen K. Hayes
ISBN 0-9632473-9-5 82 pages Softcover comb-bound

To-Shin Do reality-based training provides a modern approach to handling successfully the kind of threats and confrontations most likely in our contemporary culture. Insights, exercises, inspirations and the training methods, skills, and knowledge required for your first belt test in the martial art of To-Shin Do. Warrior etiquette, basic 5-element fighting theory, codes for generating success, belt testing, and philosophy.
Dostępny 65,00 PLN

Eye of the Storm 3-DVD Set (SKH0012)  
Eye of the Storm 3-DVD Set (SKH0012)
EYE OF THE STORM four-hour 3-DVD video set presents exercises, insights, and instructions in the wind evasion element of Stephen K. Hayes' 21st Century martial art of To-Shin Do. These 3 DVDs cover techniques and tactics and testing for developing advanced skill in handling bigger and more determined aggressors in many of the most common assaults requiring self-protection, knowledge and skills taught in Green Belt training leading to Brown Belt in To-Shin Do.


Heart of Wisdom Meditation DVD (SKH0021)  
Heart of Wisdom Meditation DVD (SKH0021)
As only he can, An-shu Stephen K. Hayes presents an insightful introduction to the highly cryptic and often misunderstood Hannya Shingyo "heart of transcendental wisdom" concept of emptiness of phenomena, uniquely tailored for the martial artist. Includes English and Japanese study sheet and special examples from To-Shin Do 6th Degree Black Belt technique and philosophy.


Iga Ninja Gyokko Ryu Unarmed Kosshijutsu Joryaku Kata 3 & 4 (SKH0015)  
Iga Ninja Gyokko Ryu Unarmed Kosshijutsu Joryaku Kata 3 & 4 (SKH0015)
Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu Joryaku Kata "Dan-shi" & "Dan-shu"
  • Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu Joryaku (Shoden) Kata "Dan-shi
  • 1 Classical kata and contemporary adaptations, including ground grappling
  • Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu Joryaku (Shoden) Kata "Dan-shu
  • 1 Classical kata and contemporary adaptations, including ground grappling
Use this video private lesson to begin your study leading to earning your To-Shin Do Kosshijutsu Joryaku (Shoden) scroll diploma!


Iga Ninja Gyokko Ryu Unarmed Kosshijutsu Joryaku Kata 5 & 6 (SKH0016)  
Iga Ninja Gyokko Ryu Unarmed Kosshijutsu Joryaku Kata 5 & 6 (SKH0016)
Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu Joryaku Kata Saka Nagare & Ke-Oh
  • Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu Joryaku (Shoden) Kata Saka Nagare
  • 1 Classical kata and contemporary adaptations against multiple strike flows
  • Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu Joryaku (Shoden) Kata Ke-Oh against double grabs
  • 1 Classical kata and contemporary adaptations
Use this video private lesson to begin your study leading to earning your To-Shin Do Kosshijutsu Joryaku (Shoden) scroll diploma!


Iga Ninja Gyokko Ryu Unarmed Kosshijutsu Joryaku Kata 9 & 10 (SKH0017)  
Iga Ninja Gyokko Ryu Unarmed Kosshijutsu Joryaku Kata 9 & 10 (SKH0017)
Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu Joryaku Kata "Ketsu-Myaku" & "Yubi-Kudaki"
  • Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu Joryaku (Shoden) Kata "Ketsu-Myaku
  • 1 Classical kata and 6 contemporary adaptations, including knife to the throat from behind
  • Gyokko Ryu Kosshijutsu Joryaku (Shoden) Kata "Yubi-Kudaki
  • 1 Classical kata and 7 contemporary adaptations, including gun to the head from behind
Use this video private lesson to begin your study leading to earning your To-Shin Do Kosshijutsu Joryaku (Shoden) scroll diploma!


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sztuki walki, katana, iaito, budo, kobudo, sai, tonfa, bo, jo, boken, bokken, kama, shinai, aikido, samuraj, kimono, gi, judo, jujitsu, karate,

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